
The classic sitcom that zeros in on a group of New York City cab drivers. Lording over Alex, Bobby, Elaine, Tony, John, and Latka is the one and only Louie De Palma. The snide and surly taxi dispatcher, from the safety of his dispatcher's cage, barks orders, hurls insults, and mercilessly berates the diverse and eccentric characters who drive for him. Along the way, they form a special bond, becoming friends and helping each other navigate the sometimes crazy road called life.

Network: NBC
Country: United States
Release date: 1978-09-12
Genres: Comedy
IMDb Rating: 7.0
Judd Hirsch
Alex Reiger
Tony Danza
Tony Banta
Danny DeVito
Louie DePalma
Marilu Henner
Elaine Nardo
Andy Kaufman
Latka Gravas
Christopher Lloyd
Jim Ignatowski
J. Alan Thomas
Jeff Bennett
Jeff Conaway
Bobby Wheeler
Carol Kane
Simka Dahblitz
Randall Carver
John Burns