Todd & The Book of Pure Evil

Imagine a book of awesome power. A book that will make your deepest, darkest dreams come true… but at a horrifying cost. This is The Book of Pure Evil, and it's loose in Crowley High. Anyone who possesses it is unable to resist the temptation to use its power for their own teen-angst fueled desires. Thankfully, one horny teenager stands between The Book of Pure Evil and the end of the world as we know it. His name is Todd. He's flunking math, but he'll save our asses, whether he likes it or not.

Country: Canada
Release date: 2010-09-29
Genres: Comedy Fantasy
IMDb Rating: 7.1
Akas: Тодд и книга чистого зла,
Alex House
Todd Smith
Maggie Castle
Jenny Kolinsky
Billy Turnbull
Curtis Weaver
Jason Mewes
Jimmy the Janitor
Chris Leavins
Atticus Murphy Jr.
Melanie Leishman
Hannah B.Williams