Quincy, M.E.

Television icon Jack Klugman is the crusading and headstrong medical examiner Dr. Quincy, the distinguished role that earned him 4 Emmy nominations. Aided by his loyal lab assistant Sam Fujiyama, Quincy's not afraid to stand up for his convictions, and he'll battle anyone who stands in his way: his skeptical boss Dr. Asten, City Hall, and even sometimes his own friends and mentors.

Network: NBC
Country: United States
Release date: 1976-10-03
IMDb Rating: 8.2
Jack Klugman
Dr. R. Quincy
John S. Ragin
Dr. Robert Asten
Robert Ito
Sam Fujiyama
Garry Walberg
Lt. Frank Monahan
Val Bisoglio
Danny Tovo
Sgt. Brill
Lynette Mettey
Lee Potter